Friday, 19 February 2016

Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Hormone-Free Contraception in UK

Hormone-free birth control is definitely a healthier choice compared to other forms of contraception that exist today. According to Professor Erik Odeblad, problems and complications caused by/arising from the use of unnatural birth control measures such as the coil and the pill are very frequent and common. Infertility after 7 to 15 years of use is indeed a very serious problem, especially for those who simply wish to time their pregnancy or retard conception until they are ready to grow their family. For each year that a woman is on the pill, her cervix also ages by an additional year. This is why it is critical that you consider contraception methods that are natural and do not require subjecting your body to anything artificial.

Lady Comp is a fertility management device that promotes hormone-free, natural contraception by helping you monitor your body's natural cycle. This non-invasive, intelligent, and all-natural method of contraception works to learn, analyze, and determine your exact ovulation period, and fertile and non-fertile days to help you work around your body's natural clock and prevent pregnancy without the need for invasive hormones, drugs, and devices and their many side effects.

Hormone-free contraception is the ideal choice for women who want to follow health-conscious living and value their natural body. In fact, there is a growing population of women who prefer fertility monitors to other artificial means and forms of contraception, simply because they offer premium accuracy without having to deal with the many health risks that pills, hormones, and other artificial contraceptives entail. Natural family planning devices like these make contraception and even birth spacing and planning a lot easier, helping couples prevent or time pregnancy in an intelligent manner, with less impact on the woman's health. Why subject yourself to intrusive and potentially harmful contraceptive methods when you can get the same, or even higher level of accuracy with an all-natural method?

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