Monday, 9 November 2015

Learn a Natural and Efficient Way to Get Pregnant with Baby-Comp

Natural family planning is always the best way to control the growth of your family. Whether you want to conceive or prevent pregnancy, knowing how to work naturally with your individual biological cycle will enable you to avoid unhealthy or stressful methods that could physically harm you or your spousal relationship. Avoiding or promoting pregnancy naturally, without having to subject your body to different kinds of artificial methods is the best way to plan your family.

Baby-Comp is a non-invasive, ultra-intelligent and all-natural way of contraception. It uses an advanced technology that learns your individual cycle, analyses your new data and can indicate your date of ovulation. It can also determine your fertile and non fertile days with as much as 99.3 percent accuracy—all these without the dangers and discomfort of invasive devices, hormones, and drugs that may have unpleasant and unwanted side effects on your physical body and your overall well being.

Baby-Comp is the choice of many women who value their health and are pursuing a health-conscious living. This non-hormonal contraception program uses your daily temperature readings along with other data that you provide about your monthly cycle and analyses them against thousands of data cycles to provide an accurate prediction of your fertility. The device enjoys utmost confidence among European women and is, in fact, one of the most recommended and trusted natural family planning and contraception devices in the market today.

As a best-selling fertility device, one of the main advantages of Baby-Comp is its non-intrusive method of fertility prediction. The device is supplied with a temperature sensor that you can use to take your own temperature reading and feed the information into the device. This data is then automatically analyses and you are informed whether or not the best time to conceive a baby is within the next 24 hours.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Avoid Complexities with Baby Comp Fertility Monitor

The Baby Comp fertility monitor takes the complexity out of conceiving a baby. When you have tried but failed several times to have a child using conventional methods, it may be high time to try new ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant. When hormone therapies and other expensive treatments are repeatedly causing you disappointments, it is possible that you are not meeting the right timing of your ovulation and peak fertility. The Baby Comp monitor is specifically designed to read into your individual cycle and determine your optimum fertile days so you can have better chances of having a baby.

Even more accurate than traditional calendar methods, the Baby Comp device takes into account your daily temperature, which is a major determinant of your ovulation cycle. When a woman ovulates, her basal temperature rises slightly and fertility monitors takes note of these changes, helping you determine optimum times for conception.

This technologically advanced device even features integrated cycle and planning statistics, providing users with a wealth of information about different factors that determine successful pregnancy. These include length of high level of fertility, the corpus luteum level (CLI), monophasic cycles or cycles without ovulation, cycle length, fluctuations in ovulation, temperature spikes after ovulation, and hundreds of thousands of stored cycles with which to compare your individual data from.

The machine does all calculations and analysis so you won't have to keep graphs and calendars just to be up-to-date with your own cycle. This means less missed days of ovulation and optimum fertility and far greater chances of pregnancy. The Baby Comp device accurately displays a woman's fertility cycle, alerting you when you can best try for a child and taking the stress out of getting pregnant. If you are tired of all the complexities involved in trying to conceive a child, this tool is a godsend.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to Become Pregnant Using Baby-Comp

The Baby-Comp and all other Lady-Comp products operate in the same principle that the way to success in healthy and natural conception is to determine the correct timing of a woman's ovulation and her peak fertility. There are so many couples experiencing much unnecessary stress and frustration as they attempt to conceive. This is especially true for those with reduced fertility.

Don't let your joyful expectations turn to grave disappointments and ease the stress of getting pregnant by pinpointing your precise days of optimum fertility. The Baby-Comp fertility monitor not only helps you determine the optimum days for conception within your menstrual cycle but also helps identify and solve your individual problems when it comes to trying and failing to have a baby.

Baby-Comp is a microcomputer that contains an extensive database of some 700,000 cycles. It features a thermal sensor, which accurately reads and records your basal body temperature in as fast as 30 seconds. It is accurate to a 1/100th degree, which means you get reliable and proven results every time.

This specialized fertility monitor takes your temperature daily (orally, when you wake up) and then automatically compares your data with the stored information within its database. This allows the device to determine accurately, evaluate, and then display your individual fertility cycle. Not only this, but it is also equipped with advanced features that let you know if you don't ovulate at all or have a hormonal imbalance, which are major culprits for early miscarriages or CLI.

The presence of hormones such as corpus luteum (a vital hormone that helps women get and stay pregnant) as well as their fluctuations in the body are also identified by the Baby-Comp as they can also bring about slight temperature change. This helps people who find it hard to conceive to take necessary actions in order to remedy the problem.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

How Do Fertility Monitors Help You Get Pregnant?

Natural fertility awareness—this is what pregnancy monitors advocate. If you have been trying to conceive for a long time and have spent thousands on fertility treatments to no avail, it is high time to rethink your methods. It is not uncommon for women to experience difficulties in initiating a pregnancy. The disappointments that expensive treatments bring can be avoided if you make the decision to go natural. By using fertility monitors like Valley Electronics' Baby-Comp, you need not expose and subject your body to stressful, costly procedures like hormone treatments, in-vitro fertilization, and other artificial insemination methods, only to end up with discarded embryos. With the help of natural methods and the right fertility monitor, you can increase your chances of conceiving without the unnecessary stress and financial burden of complex artificial methods.

Baby-Comp is an intelligent ovulation and pregnancy monitor that accurately determines the best time to arrange intercourse with your partner so you can take advantage of your most fertile days. Like the Lady-Comp, this fertility computer determines the most optimal time to conceive based on changes in your basal morning temperature and your individual menstrual cycle. What it does differently to the Lady-Comp is that it is specifically designed for people who want to accelerate their chances of conception, using statistical planning methods to detect causes of infertility. This in turn, helps you solve your own specific issues that you’re having with conception.

The Baby-Comp even indicates potential hormonal problems and a risk of early miscarriage (yellow body dysfunction problem) and has an integrated conception planning software, which also includes an optional gender prediction feature so you can tell whether you are having a boy or a girl. Another unique addition to the Baby-Comp is that it provides pregnancy confirmation and can calculate an accurate expected due date. If you and your partner face fertility challenges, this pregnancy computer equips you with tools that maximise your chances of conceiving through all-natural methods.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Fertility Monitors: Know the Right Time to Get Pregnant

Lady-Comp is a fertility monitor company that offers natural birth control and family planning device kits. These trackers help you to determine optimal times to get pregnant or prevent conception through precise ovulation prediction and analysis of individual cycles. Equipped with an extensive database of natural family planning research data, these machines use bio-mathematical forecasting calculations along with the latest computer techniques to help you know the right time to engage in intercourse either to promote or prevent pregnancy.

Lady-Comp Baby and Pearly computers are highly intelligent machines that can learn and adjust to each user's personal cycle, regardless of cycle length and irregularities. They are dual-purpose devices that can be used for family planning (achieving pregnancy), and natural pregnancy control (preventing pregnancy). The device features calculator for both fertile and non-fertile days in addition to a precise ovulation predictor so that you can time your intercourse accordingly.

Pregnancy control and correct family planning can be achieved without having to resort to invasive hormonal therapies and other unnatural means, which often lead to unpleasant side effects. These fertility monitors help you achieve pregnancy control in the most natural and reliable way.

With its advanced program, Lady-Comp can be depended upon to interpret all types of cycles, including those with irregular patterns and display accurate ovulation data despite any hormonal imbalances. The machine also disregards irregular temperature readings and automatically supplements missing data through careful calculation of your personal cycle entries. It recognizes hormonal imbalances and offers flexibility so even frequent travelers, shift workers, and those with irregular cycles can rely on its predictions.

Lady-Comp is extremely easy to use fertility device. All you need to do is take your morning (basal temperature), and the computer will automatically determine your fertile days based on a thorough analysis of your menstrual cycle data. The device monitors your fertility status and informs you of the days you can get pregnant.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Baby-Comp - An Intelligent Fertility Monitor

Baby-Comp is targeted at women and couples who want or need assistance with family planning. It works by accurately forecasting the most fertile days of the user and will also register if you have hormonal imbalance or don't ovulate at all within the cycle. This intelligent fertility monitor provides answers to the fundamental questions asked by gynaecologists—such as whether or not your hormones are in balance, and when or if your ovulation occurs.

With Lady-Comp fertility monitor and birth control devices, there is less room for user error. These highly advanced computers eliminate the need for manual charting and graphing. The fertility computer does everything for you, providing you with a safe, fast, easy, reliable, and highly accurate way to monitor ovulation and determine your fertile days.

You might be wondering—how does Baby-Comp work? In a nutshell, the Baby-Comp monitor identifies fertile days by recording and analysing your morning temperature. Regular temperature-taking allows the device to predict your cycles, thus enabling it to alert you to your most fertile days. These include the day you ovulate and the five days before ovulation, which provide you with an increased chance of conceiving.

The device is especially helpful for couples who are trying to conceive but have reduced fertility. It allows you to track sexual intercourse data in relation to your personal fertility rhythms, thereby giving you the best chance of successful conception. Its baby planning software not only helps you determine your most fertile days, it also:

 • Indicates your monophasic cycles or cycles without ovulation
 • Determines your ovulation fluctuations
 • Tracks your sexual intercourse occurrences
 • Displays baby gender probability
 • Identifies a risk of early miscarriage (yellow body deficiency)
 • Provides an accurate date of conception and expected baby due  date

Baby-Comp even contains an integrated pregnancy test. The device can be used for safe natural contraception or pregnancy prevention after birth.

Forget the struggle of manual charting and graphing and enjoy the safe and simple fertility Baby-Comp – it couldn’t be simpler! 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Fertility Monitor, Do You Know When The Right Time Is?

The fertility monitor is the most effective device of the 21st century to help women to avoid or get pregnant naturally. This gadget can simply be held in the hand. It also has an easy-to-use screen so that all you have to do is press the button to give commands and get results. It works by testing the temperature levels of the body and recording the data. It then uses this data to predict your ovulation, fertile and non-fertile days.

With this gadget, you can be certain about the day your periods are going to start up to six days before they happen.  It detects your full fertility window- the days when you are likely to get pregnant and infertile ones, when you won’t get pregnant. This makes it more advanced, accurate and timely than the standard ovulation test used in many medical centers. It shows you three fertility statuses so that you can know when your chances of getting pregnant are at the highest point. These two fertility status highlight the peaks of both the high and the low fertility status.  This gadget is reliable for every length of menstrual cycle regardless of irregularities.